Beating the cycle of anxiety – Rich’s blog, part 5

‘I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike’
– famous lyrics from that brilliant band, Queen.Well, at the moment I cannot. Let’s travel back in time to May 13. There I was on a training ride with intentions of heading up to Hebden Bridge for hill training and maybe a cheeky pint at the end. That was until I decided to imitate a tram in Weaste.
Only a couple of days previously, I had smashed my target of 30 minutes to get to work. I did it in 29:20 and I was so elated that I was on a high for the first time in a long time.
All my training had paid off, but then Sunday came and I was probably being a bit cocky and over confident. I was riding at around 17mph, a good speed for me, and then the tram tracks came into view.
I didn’t slow down like I should have, so my front wheel went into the track and I catapulted over the handlebars, but that wasn’t the end of it. I fractured my left hip and broke my left arm in two places.
I spent two weeks in Salford Royal Hospital being pinned back together. I am hoping I will be one of those people who can set off the security arch at airports without even trying!
A dark sense of humour and the loving support of my wife has got me through this. Oh, and not forgetting lots and lots of colouring books. I’ve lost countless hours going back to my childhood and colouring in lots of different pictures. I even have a secret stash of felt tip pens hidden from my daughter!
Many people have told me it’s easier to recover from broken bones than it is from a broken head. I’ve never broken a bone before, but I do know about anxiety and how it has taken me a very long time to get back to where I wanted to be, mentally.
I’ve been trying not to dwell on what had happened and thinking about the next operation, the next examination, the next round of meds. Breaking the situation down into small, manageable sections helped me a lot.
Each x-ray taken, then discussed with the doctor, showed me my bones were mending. Why is it not that easy to get your head fixed? How can they be so different to fix?
The ride and that HILL! It didn’t happen for obvious reasons, but the hotels have been booked and an old friend of mine has got in touch who would like to join me. I have been back on my turbo trainer to improve my fitness, but I need to do my physio and get the strength up in my muscles before starting the long road to full fitness again.
I will conquer that HILL and the only way I won’t is if someone decides to flatten it and that is never going to happen now, is it?
Thank you once again to Rich for his fundraising contributions. If his epic journey has inspired you to support us, visit our fundraising page for more info.
If you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, the Sanctuary is here for you all night, every night. Call us on 0300 003 7029.